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Order: #11697
Pages: 18
Introduction Chapter that defines "KINK" and addresses associated stigmas
This is an excellent paper. I would like to request this writer for the remainder of the paper I will be submitting a request with directions, etc...
Date: January 21st, 2022
Order: #11699
Pages: 1
1918 Influenza Pandemic vs. Covid
Thank you again for helping me to be able to manage my workload. I have been able to get much more accomplished by having a core part of an assig...
Date: January 23rd, 2022
Order: #11687
Pages: 20
My PhD program is Psychology of Human Sexuality; my dissertation is specific Counselor Supervision
I am incredibly impressed with the quality of writing and the use of the provided resources and the overall tone of the paper-especially since the ...
Date: December 28th, 2021
Order: #11653
Pages: 5
Researched essay
thank you for this intuitive research paper I held it to the highest reguard
Date: November 30th, 2021
Order: #11613
Pages: 3
Writer's choice
Great paper! A couple grammar fixes that I had to adjust but overall great work.
Date: October 28th, 2021
Order: #11609
Pages: 4
Miss Evers Boys' movie- The Tuskegee Study
I had a short time frame but would like to see a 12 hour option. I didn?t want to choose 24 hours, but also 8 hours was too short, but the only opt...
Date: October 27th, 2021
Order: #11597
Pages: 2
“A Cap of Lead Across the Sky’ by Emily Dickinson
magnificently written as well as in short manner much appreciated
Date: October 18th, 2021
Order: #11561
Pages: 1
Nonprofits using social media to fundraise during the pandemic
Thank you.
Date: October 5th, 2021
Order: #11563
Pages: 2
Define "knowledge management" and determine its role in business.
Thank you so much for your fast and hard work. It is graetly appreciated.
Date: October 6th, 2021
Order: #11553
Pages: 2
Who is the protagonist in “The Lottery”? What kind of protagonist are they, and how do we know this?
it seems too redundant but it will work thanks alot
Date: September 30th, 2021
Order: #11519
Pages: 3
Cult Chambers (Please feel free to change)
Very happy with the product and service. Thanks so much!
Date: June 30th, 2021
Order: #11515
Pages: 2
Bee Population Decrease
I appreciate your work, and I thank you for taking the time to redo the paper as I requested. 10/10!
Date: June 29th, 2021
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